Welcome to the Village Surgery
The Village Surgery will use this site as a way of providing all our patients with up-to-date information relating to our Practice.
As well as a source of information about the Practice, staff and services we provide, we hope you use this website as a resource with links to other reliable websites for health-related information.
Have a look around and feel free to send us your feedback. We are constantly striving to improve our online services, and your thoughts on how we might achieve this will always be helpful. We want this website to be as useful as possible for all of our patients.

Keep up to date with the latest practice news
Change of Personal Details
Please let us know as soon as possible if any of your personal details change using the forms below.
Please make sure that we have an up to date contact phone number. If you have given us a mobile number, please let us know if you change it. There are occasions when we need to contact you, and this can cause delays if a mobile phone number is out of date. We are also happy to contact you via e-mail, please feel free to give a current e-mail address if you prefer this option.