Repeat Prescriptions
Patients can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:
- Online via the link at the top of this page- to sign up to On Line Services at the surgery simply collect a form from the receptionist.
- Repeat Prescription Ordering Slip - Tick the items required on the slip attached to your previous prescription and forward to the Practice.
- Telephone - to order your medication from our dedicated Prescription Clerk call 01709 542725 (option 2). This line is open between 10:00 and 16:00 Monday and Friday and 10:00 and 12:30 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The repeat prescription system is fully computerised and takes 1 working day for processing. Collection after 14:00 on the following working day. In rare circumstances, there may be a delay in processing. We will, of course, try to minimise problems, but it requires co-operation from everyone to keep our repeat prescribing running smoothly.
Delivery services are available from local pharmacies for housebound, elderly, and infirm patients.
Please make sure when ordering prescriptions that you only order those medications that you need. Do not order every item on your repeat prescription unless you need them. Repeatedly ordering medication that you do not use regularly is very wasteful and costs the NHS millions of pounds every year.