Dementia Friendly Practice

We are now a Dementia Friendly Practice
Staff at the Practice have now undergone Dementia Awareness training, to enable us to became a Dementia Friendly Practice.
Should a family member, loved one or friend be diagnosed with Dementia the Practice is here to help, please ask a member of staff for a Carers pack. This is filled with useful information, names and addresses of organisation, visitors books, "Who I Am" leaflet and a lot more.
All patients that are on the Practice Dementia register are easily identifiable to ensure that everyone working at the Practice is aware of the needs of the patient and allow extra time and understanding.
If you are a carer, you will be asked to complete a carers form and this information can be added to both your medical records and the patient you care for.
The Carers Resilience Service are available for ongoing carers support. Details of this service are available in the Carers Pack as mentioned above.
For more information, please ask at reception.